Monday, June 11, 2012

June 8, 2012

 Dear Family and Friends,      

“1. Stay on good terms with each other, held together by love. 2. Be ready with a meal or a bed when it's needed. Why, some have extended hospitality to angels without ever knowing it!”  Hebrews 13:1-2

Some of you know we have felt called and directed by God to adopt children into our family.  We are adopting one or two children from the Democratic Republic of Congo.  We received an email from our agency with encouraging news that we could be getting a referral soon!  We still do not know the child that God has chosen for us to parent, but we are getting more excited by the day!

Some of you are probably wondering what has prompted us to adopt. Well we were ready to be parents at least four years ago, but with many things God has his own timing.  We decided to become foster parents two years ago and have fostered four little boys in our home.  We have been so blessed by their innocence and love.  We hope that Nate and Mike, our current placement, get to stay with us forever, but that is not in our control.  We constantly remind each other to live each day to the fullest and love them as much as we can.  About a year ago we decided to begin the journey of international adoption.  We finalized all of our paper work in December 2011 and have been waiting for a referral since.

A referral is when they will call to tell us that they have one or two orphan children that they have matched with us and we will adopt them.  The children will be of either sex and could be from birth to 4 years old.  We cannot wait to be ‘forever parents’ to as many children as God has in mind for us.

The biggest challenge for us is not opening our hearts and home to children, but also finding the finances to make this reality. We estimate our total cost for adoption fees, document preparation, home study, airfare, travel, attorney fees, etc. to be $25,000.  That is certainly money we don’t have, but we know God is faithful and is leading us to trust Him. By God’s grace we have been able to pay the initial $8,500.  We have received one Grant from an organization called ”Show Hope” for a total of $6,000 dollars.

It is difficult (because of our pride), to make our needs known to the Body of Christ around us; but we also know it’s very Biblical to do so. We appreciate your friendship very much and would like you to pray & consider helping us in our adoption. There are two ways you can help:

1. Prayer – Please pray God would tenderly care for the Children in DRC until we are able to bring our children home. Please pray that God would prepare Nathen, Mike, and our extended family for the upcoming changes to our family. And that God will give us wisdom, discernment, and insight as we raise our children.

2. Financial support - Will you please consider making a tax-deductible donation to help us pay the remaining $10,500 in adoption expenses, to bring our children home?

Lifesong ( has graciously set up a fundraising account for us to raise funds to help pay the “ransom” to bring our children home. If you would like to be a part of God bringing Children to Himself through our family, you can send your tax-deductible gift between now and July 16th to the address below. Lifesong is a trusted organization administering the funds on our child’s behalf, and will pay adoption expenses out of funds received.

1. Please make checks payable to: Lifesong. You may preference how the donation might be used by writing “preference Knight #2428 Adoption” in the memo section of your check.

(*Note: In following IRS guidelines, your donation is to Lifesong which retains full discretion and control over its use.)

2. Mail checks to:

Lifesong for Orphans

Att: Knight #2428 Adoption

PO Box 40/202 N. Ford St.

Gridley, IL 61744

Thank you for investing in the Kingdom through prayer and finances – it will be an investment with an eternal return (Matt 6:20). We will give you updates and details as we receive them. Please pray this entire process will glorify God and fulfill His purposes!

In Christ,

Jordan and Lindsey Knight