Just a lil bit of an update:
Linz, Nate and I journeyed to Naperville, IL last week in order to be finger printed by the FBI/Dept. of Homeland Security! The journey was a success and included Nate's first time in a hot tub, a feast of Chicago style pizza, a huge suite (thanks to Tara Baumgardner!) to stay in, a Geordono's lunch buffet, getting kicked out of Costco, and a can of potted chicken killed in accordance with Islamic Law!
Passport apps have been filled out...4-6 weeks from now we should have them in our hands!
This Friday we'll travel to the distant land of Peoria for Yellow Fever shots and typhoid pills! If this trip also includes cheese curds, I'll consider myself truly blessed, haha.
Please continue to keep Nathen in your prayers as his little journey continues to have many twists and turns. Pray for our sanity too as we prepare ourselves for the arrival of Nate's little brother (praise God Nate is sleeping all through the night once again!).
and as always thanks for all your love, prayers, support, and for taking the time to read our blog.
Jordan & Lindsey
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Saturday, November 5, 2011
our sonogram
I cried when I saw this on a friends blog! How amazing. Our adoption specialist says we are "paper pregnant". We are "expecting" just like anyone else only we are chosing to build our family in a different way. I'm so lucky to get to share our experience with so many family and friends. I am blessed today to have so many Galesburg adoptive families to brighten our days while we wait together! Thanks Nick and Tracy, the Baxters, the Mowens, the Maleks, and many more!
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Had to Share This...
Saw this short video about an foster/adoptive family. Made me cry (as many things do these days) so I figured I better share it.
blessings to you all.
blessings to you all.
Monday, October 31, 2011
I Am But Clay...
In a time of daily reading I read this...
"It is days like these when I remember I am but clay. It is days like these when a future as that Starbucks barista looks intensely inviting. How did I wind up here after all? Oh, I remember. I said yes to the Lord. I may be a simple clay vessel, but the Father is pleased to let His glory be carried in earthen clay vessels who have said yes. And yes can be a dangerous little word. Days like these are actually quite useful, because if I did not have them, I might forget that the glory is His. I am but clay" -Michele Perry-
So, Lindsey called me on her lunch break (if you want to call it that). She usually gets 20 minutes to herself, but not always. And I've come to learn that if Linz calls me at this time of day it ain't just to chat, she means bizzness!!! At this point in our professional and personal lives things are a bit overwhelming to say the least and that's what she called to vent about. In response to her list that would make the most laid back person worried I gave some advice that I've been attempting to give myself (again and again)... Don't let what has and is a blessing become your curse. Meaning a lot of what we hope and pray for isn't just handed to us, we have to work long, hard, tiring hours for it! God wants it that way, so in turn we appreciate it all the more.
With that being said, here's an update on what's go'n on with the Knights and the battle we're currently fighting in order to keep our focus on the BLESSINGS that are all around us!
1. We sent in two applications for two grants for our adoption - man those weren't fun to fill out! We're hopeful for a good return on a lot of hard work!
2. This friday we're traveling to Naperville, IL to be finger printed by the FBI for our adoption - we're praying for the gas/food money to get us there and back safe and sound.
3. One week from friday we'll travel to Peoria for Yellow Fever shots (amongst others) and hopefully still have time to take care of our passports!
4. Nate the Great turned 9 months old today!!!! He's also cutting new teeth (all I want for Christmas is my two front teeth seems very fitting) and we're praying for the strength and sanity to make it through sleepless nights. Also, we're praying for relief for our lil one as these sharp daggers the doctor calls teeth rip through his lil baby gums!
5. Baby number two is due to arrive Dec. 31st and it's a BOY! We've been praying for a family for years and before we ever travel to Africa for two forever children we'll already have two boys - that's right Nate's lil Bro will be helping the Knights ring in the new year! Lord help us!
6. Somewhere in-between all the adoption and foster care stuff Linz and I still have jobs to do and I somewhere in there a relationship to keep alive and healthy so we could definitely use some prayer there too!
More than anything we are thankful that God continues to redirect our selfish focus back on to his overwhelming love, a place where we can clearly see the many ways he is blessing us daily! We are thankful to be earthen clay vessels! Simple, ordinary, and easily overlooked vessels, yet chosen by God to do mighty things, so that HE may be glorified! Praise God from whom all blessings flow.
We are thankful for all of you who read, support, and pray for us daily! May you be forever blessed!
We are but Clay,
Jordan & Lindsey
"It is days like these when I remember I am but clay. It is days like these when a future as that Starbucks barista looks intensely inviting. How did I wind up here after all? Oh, I remember. I said yes to the Lord. I may be a simple clay vessel, but the Father is pleased to let His glory be carried in earthen clay vessels who have said yes. And yes can be a dangerous little word. Days like these are actually quite useful, because if I did not have them, I might forget that the glory is His. I am but clay" -Michele Perry-
So, Lindsey called me on her lunch break (if you want to call it that). She usually gets 20 minutes to herself, but not always. And I've come to learn that if Linz calls me at this time of day it ain't just to chat, she means bizzness!!! At this point in our professional and personal lives things are a bit overwhelming to say the least and that's what she called to vent about. In response to her list that would make the most laid back person worried I gave some advice that I've been attempting to give myself (again and again)... Don't let what has and is a blessing become your curse. Meaning a lot of what we hope and pray for isn't just handed to us, we have to work long, hard, tiring hours for it! God wants it that way, so in turn we appreciate it all the more.
With that being said, here's an update on what's go'n on with the Knights and the battle we're currently fighting in order to keep our focus on the BLESSINGS that are all around us!
1. We sent in two applications for two grants for our adoption - man those weren't fun to fill out! We're hopeful for a good return on a lot of hard work!
2. This friday we're traveling to Naperville, IL to be finger printed by the FBI for our adoption - we're praying for the gas/food money to get us there and back safe and sound.
3. One week from friday we'll travel to Peoria for Yellow Fever shots (amongst others) and hopefully still have time to take care of our passports!
4. Nate the Great turned 9 months old today!!!! He's also cutting new teeth (all I want for Christmas is my two front teeth seems very fitting) and we're praying for the strength and sanity to make it through sleepless nights. Also, we're praying for relief for our lil one as these sharp daggers the doctor calls teeth rip through his lil baby gums!
5. Baby number two is due to arrive Dec. 31st and it's a BOY! We've been praying for a family for years and before we ever travel to Africa for two forever children we'll already have two boys - that's right Nate's lil Bro will be helping the Knights ring in the new year! Lord help us!
6. Somewhere in-between all the adoption and foster care stuff Linz and I still have jobs to do and I somewhere in there a relationship to keep alive and healthy so we could definitely use some prayer there too!
More than anything we are thankful that God continues to redirect our selfish focus back on to his overwhelming love, a place where we can clearly see the many ways he is blessing us daily! We are thankful to be earthen clay vessels! Simple, ordinary, and easily overlooked vessels, yet chosen by God to do mighty things, so that HE may be glorified! Praise God from whom all blessings flow.
We are thankful for all of you who read, support, and pray for us daily! May you be forever blessed!
We are but Clay,
Jordan & Lindsey
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Times Like These...
A favorite song of mine has a chorus that says the following;
"It's times like these you learn to live again. It's times like these you give and give again. It's times like these you learn to love again. It's times like these time and time again."
Last night me and the wife (I know that's bad grammar) got into a bit of a tiff (that's putting it lightly). And like any couple who loves each other we know just the things to do and say to really let the other one have it! Needless to say I went to bed angry and I woke up that way too. The morning continued the way the evening had ended and I had a pretty bad outlook on my Tuesday morning. Not only was I fighting with my wife, but I've been pretty worried about our finances; the overwhelming weight of adoption fees, foster care expenses, and master level education costs are weighing heavy on me.
Now hours later God's brought my focus back on what's important. It's crazy how the Big Guy works that out. Today he chose two songs (Yahweh by U2 & Times Like These by The Foo Fighters) and my 86 year old Granny to speak to me.
I realize that its so easy for us to get caught up in our own lives, our own struggles, our own list of grievances. For us they're the biggest problems in the world because they deal with ME. It sounds so selfish, but I realize I am a selfish person. I want what a want I want when I want it (Billy Seibert line). Because of this major flaw God continually has get me in check. So...this is how it went down.
It's 8am, I'm driving to Monmouth with my Granny and Nate the Great so my Aunt Janet can do some spur of the movement daycare for us. Now if you know my Granny she can be a talker (most of which I've heard many times before) and today was no different. And if you know me when I'm mad I don't talk. Those two things combined equals Granny talking a lot and Jordan saying Uh Huh repeatedly. I think my Granny knows when I'm in a bad mood and she has a way of preaching to me in some special way that only a Granny like her knows how to do. She said, "Jordan isn't it wonderful how God can make such beauty out of all this mess (she was talking about all the colorful trees). I said 'Uh Huh'. And she went on to talk about her next senior circle outing (Ha Ha). But in the that one little sentence it was like God just bitch slapped me (yes I know I wrote the word bitch/get over it) and said "hey get over yourself, you're not that important. and if I take care of the trees, the birds of the air, the lilies of the field don't you have enough faith in me that I'll do at least that much for you?" Every once in a while I need God to speak to me through my little ol granny cause when she speaks I hear him loud and clear.
God wanted to drive home the point that I need to get over my selfish 'I & me' way of thinking and so he used a song by U2. This afternoon I had a WIC appointment for our foster son Nate. Linz and I love Nate as if he's our own. We love him more than words can describe and this morning brought news that is both good and bad (depending on who you are and how you look at it). Now for reasons beyond my control I cannot discuss the news concerning Nate with you (most of it I'm not able to know myself), but let me just say if you're looking for a heart wrenching made for tv movie idea...I've got one for ya (for the right price of course!). As I'm driving to the health department this is all on my mind. The piddly fight with Linz (gone), the financial worries (gone), now in their place the saga of a lil 8 month old angel! My iPod was on shuffle and the song Yahweh came on. The chorus goes like this....
Yahweh, Yahweh. Always pain before the child is born. Yahweh, Yahweh tell me now. Why the dark before the dawn?
It's this story about a person crying out to the creator of all things saying, "God, O God why all this pain in the life that has yet to begin? God, O God why is there so much darkness before I ever see the light?" So, at this point I'm crying and singing (screaming) this U2 song and I get what God's laying down. His awesomeness is so far beyond comprehension and if we could figure why he does what he does he wouldn't be God. He showed me again that when Jesus said pick up your cross and follow me daily he meant for us to pick up and carry all of those 'things' we're constantly asking God to take from us. And not only that we should be in the business of helping others carry their crosses too, especially those who don't even know they have a cross to begin with (to me that's Nate the Great and two lil angels in Africa I don't even know yet).
So, I'm finished with the appointment and I'm heading back to FPC and the iPod is still on shuffle and "Times Like These" comes on. God is at it again. It was just what I needed to hear at just the right time. "It's times like these you learn to live again"- everything I'd been so preoccupied with today was gone. I learned to live again and that to me means placing my wife, my son, and my future children's needs above my own. "It's times like these you give and give again" - God's gonna stretch ya and we should embrace the discomfort (romans 5:3-5). I want to give to Nate because he gives so much in return without even knowing it. I wanna give to two little ones in Africa who don't know me and Linz because we know how much their giving too us (without knowing it too). "It's times like these you learn to love again" - sometimes I think I know what love is and then I realize I confine the vastness of God's true love. The love that God knows and desires for us to embrace is one that give itself to the fullest even unto death. I want to love on my wife and these little angels even if it means my very own life - it's all I have and I'd gladly give it. "It's times like these time and time again" - this means that I'll forget the truth I've just experienced. I'll turn around and get on with my life. I'll return to a life of selfish living (if I'm not careful) and time and time again God will have to get my focus back on track.
God thank you for today. Thank for the blessings and the curses (sometimes I think they're one in the same). Thanks for the angels in my life. Thank you for those that are still yet to come.
Blessings to you all. Thanks for reading.
"It's times like these you learn to live again. It's times like these you give and give again. It's times like these you learn to love again. It's times like these time and time again."
Last night me and the wife (I know that's bad grammar) got into a bit of a tiff (that's putting it lightly). And like any couple who loves each other we know just the things to do and say to really let the other one have it! Needless to say I went to bed angry and I woke up that way too. The morning continued the way the evening had ended and I had a pretty bad outlook on my Tuesday morning. Not only was I fighting with my wife, but I've been pretty worried about our finances; the overwhelming weight of adoption fees, foster care expenses, and master level education costs are weighing heavy on me.
Now hours later God's brought my focus back on what's important. It's crazy how the Big Guy works that out. Today he chose two songs (Yahweh by U2 & Times Like These by The Foo Fighters) and my 86 year old Granny to speak to me.
I realize that its so easy for us to get caught up in our own lives, our own struggles, our own list of grievances. For us they're the biggest problems in the world because they deal with ME. It sounds so selfish, but I realize I am a selfish person. I want what a want I want when I want it (Billy Seibert line). Because of this major flaw God continually has get me in check. So...this is how it went down.
It's 8am, I'm driving to Monmouth with my Granny and Nate the Great so my Aunt Janet can do some spur of the movement daycare for us. Now if you know my Granny she can be a talker (most of which I've heard many times before) and today was no different. And if you know me when I'm mad I don't talk. Those two things combined equals Granny talking a lot and Jordan saying Uh Huh repeatedly. I think my Granny knows when I'm in a bad mood and she has a way of preaching to me in some special way that only a Granny like her knows how to do. She said, "Jordan isn't it wonderful how God can make such beauty out of all this mess (she was talking about all the colorful trees). I said 'Uh Huh'. And she went on to talk about her next senior circle outing (Ha Ha). But in the that one little sentence it was like God just bitch slapped me (yes I know I wrote the word bitch/get over it) and said "hey get over yourself, you're not that important. and if I take care of the trees, the birds of the air, the lilies of the field don't you have enough faith in me that I'll do at least that much for you?" Every once in a while I need God to speak to me through my little ol granny cause when she speaks I hear him loud and clear.
God wanted to drive home the point that I need to get over my selfish 'I & me' way of thinking and so he used a song by U2. This afternoon I had a WIC appointment for our foster son Nate. Linz and I love Nate as if he's our own. We love him more than words can describe and this morning brought news that is both good and bad (depending on who you are and how you look at it). Now for reasons beyond my control I cannot discuss the news concerning Nate with you (most of it I'm not able to know myself), but let me just say if you're looking for a heart wrenching made for tv movie idea...I've got one for ya (for the right price of course!). As I'm driving to the health department this is all on my mind. The piddly fight with Linz (gone), the financial worries (gone), now in their place the saga of a lil 8 month old angel! My iPod was on shuffle and the song Yahweh came on. The chorus goes like this....
Yahweh, Yahweh. Always pain before the child is born. Yahweh, Yahweh tell me now. Why the dark before the dawn?
It's this story about a person crying out to the creator of all things saying, "God, O God why all this pain in the life that has yet to begin? God, O God why is there so much darkness before I ever see the light?" So, at this point I'm crying and singing (screaming) this U2 song and I get what God's laying down. His awesomeness is so far beyond comprehension and if we could figure why he does what he does he wouldn't be God. He showed me again that when Jesus said pick up your cross and follow me daily he meant for us to pick up and carry all of those 'things' we're constantly asking God to take from us. And not only that we should be in the business of helping others carry their crosses too, especially those who don't even know they have a cross to begin with (to me that's Nate the Great and two lil angels in Africa I don't even know yet).
So, I'm finished with the appointment and I'm heading back to FPC and the iPod is still on shuffle and "Times Like These" comes on. God is at it again. It was just what I needed to hear at just the right time. "It's times like these you learn to live again"- everything I'd been so preoccupied with today was gone. I learned to live again and that to me means placing my wife, my son, and my future children's needs above my own. "It's times like these you give and give again" - God's gonna stretch ya and we should embrace the discomfort (romans 5:3-5). I want to give to Nate because he gives so much in return without even knowing it. I wanna give to two little ones in Africa who don't know me and Linz because we know how much their giving too us (without knowing it too). "It's times like these you learn to love again" - sometimes I think I know what love is and then I realize I confine the vastness of God's true love. The love that God knows and desires for us to embrace is one that give itself to the fullest even unto death. I want to love on my wife and these little angels even if it means my very own life - it's all I have and I'd gladly give it. "It's times like these time and time again" - this means that I'll forget the truth I've just experienced. I'll turn around and get on with my life. I'll return to a life of selfish living (if I'm not careful) and time and time again God will have to get my focus back on track.
God thank you for today. Thank for the blessings and the curses (sometimes I think they're one in the same). Thanks for the angels in my life. Thank you for those that are still yet to come.
Blessings to you all. Thanks for reading.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
A Word on Faith
This post should be extremely short compared to my last one. Time and a lack of brain power will make sure of that. Recently I've been pondering about the word, Faith. What it means, what it looks like, whether or not I really possess it...
By definition faith is; belief that is not based on proof.
Recently, I preached a sermon about obedience looking at Joshua 6 and God's call for faithful followers. He asked Joshua and the people of Israel to do some pretty strange things (by the world's standards). And the people did so, thus receiving the promised reward.
Tomorrow I'll be sharing a short devotion on Matt. 2:1-12 (the story of the Magi visiting the new born King). God's call to them looked foolish as well...chasing after some distant star in order to find an unknown king, not to mention a religious leader of a sect they most definitely were not a part of. Yet, they went, they traveled, they searched. They did what seemed foolish. They chose a path that made them look crazy in the eyes of many. Why?
Faith - a belief in the evidence of things unseen!
Daily I see the reactions of many who look and Lindsey and I in a way like how a dog tilts its head in response to a funny sounding noise. Why would two young people be foster parents? Why would this couple be adopting from Africa? I could keep on listing the questions I've heard. There is only one answer and that answer will make no sense to those who lack it...
Christ has called us to be a loving family for those who need it and we are blessed daily because of our foster children. Christ has called us to faithfully follow him to the DRC in Africa and bring home children and grow our family. Love has a face and through faith we believe that God began a family with us long before we ever knew we wanted one!
Blessings to you all and thanks for reading.
Jordan & Lindsey
By definition faith is; belief that is not based on proof.
Recently, I preached a sermon about obedience looking at Joshua 6 and God's call for faithful followers. He asked Joshua and the people of Israel to do some pretty strange things (by the world's standards). And the people did so, thus receiving the promised reward.
Tomorrow I'll be sharing a short devotion on Matt. 2:1-12 (the story of the Magi visiting the new born King). God's call to them looked foolish as well...chasing after some distant star in order to find an unknown king, not to mention a religious leader of a sect they most definitely were not a part of. Yet, they went, they traveled, they searched. They did what seemed foolish. They chose a path that made them look crazy in the eyes of many. Why?
Faith - a belief in the evidence of things unseen!
Daily I see the reactions of many who look and Lindsey and I in a way like how a dog tilts its head in response to a funny sounding noise. Why would two young people be foster parents? Why would this couple be adopting from Africa? I could keep on listing the questions I've heard. There is only one answer and that answer will make no sense to those who lack it...
Christ has called us to be a loving family for those who need it and we are blessed daily because of our foster children. Christ has called us to faithfully follow him to the DRC in Africa and bring home children and grow our family. Love has a face and through faith we believe that God began a family with us long before we ever knew we wanted one!
Blessings to you all and thanks for reading.
Jordan & Lindsey
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
The Origins of Adoption...
Every Tuesday I eat my lunch with a group of senior ladies known around the church as "The Sewing Ladies". Yesterday as we finished our lunch and the ladies went back to sewing I overheard a conversation between two of them sitting across from me. One asked the other, who is that guy sitting across from us? The answer...that's Jordan. Next question...does he work here? Answer....yes, that's Jordan, he works with the youth. Next question...we pay him? Answer....yes. Final statement and question... well I've never seen him before, are they going to make an announcement about him? On that note, I left the room. I'll begin my 5th year of service at this church in Jan. 2012!
So, this all made me think; if that old lady doesn't even know my name, or that I've been working at her church for nearly five years I doubt she knows anything about our adoption, that we're foster parents, or why we're even adopting in the first place... and that leads me to the post I'm about to write.
Reading this book "Love Has a Face" has caused me to travel down the history of the last 4 years over and over again mainly because that's what the author is writing about....how God has led her from one point to the next, bringing her to where she is now. It's a life full of love and blessings, but in the most unusual places and people.
The history of what led us to adopting from the Democratic Republic of Congo is as follows;
I can remember years ago when Lindsey and I were dating we would have these daydreaming conversations about getting married and having a family. One thing that was always a part of our daydreaming was the desire to adopt children in addition to having our own. In my minds eye though, adopting would be something we'd do later in our marriage when we were firmly established and had children of our own. It'd be a mission of sorts, a ministry, a way of giving back. While I don't think that was a bad idea, it wasn't God's plan for us....
4 years ago last week I married my best friend Lindsey after 5 years of dating, and it's the best decision I've ever made! She is the most beautiful, talented, caring, and thoughtful woman I know. And yes I know I'm biased, but I ain't ly'n one bit!
September 22nd 2007 Lindsey and I were married and we spent the next year hoping, praying, and trying to start a family. On August 8th 2007 Lindsey and I found out she was pregnant! What an awesome birthday present, as mine was just 3 days later. Just a few weeks later we spent our first anniversary picking out baby names for our first child. Sadly, one week later we suffered and miscarriage and God decided he needed our little angel with him in Heaven. We were heartbroken, depressed, defeated, and angry with God. It took me the next year to come to terms with what had happened. I say that I've come to terms with what happens, but that doesn't mean the pain is gone. A portion of the pain is meant to stay I think. It's there to remind me of what's happened. It's there to show me how God brought us through such a difficult chapter in this life and has made us stronger because of it. And it's there to be a daily reminder that I should never take a day for granted, I should never take my wife for granted, I should never miss the chance to love on my foster sons because tomorrow isn't promised to anyone.
Did I say foster sons? Moving on...
Some where in the neighborhood of 2009 my wife and I started casually discussing adoption. To me it was no more serious then we had talked about it in lives as a dating couple. I think it was much different for Lindsey. As the weeks and months went by she became more persistent with the subject and she kept bringing up foster parenting. Now, if ya know me I'm not one to rush into anything. And if you know Lindsey you know that when she wants to do something, by golly she's going to do it! I wouldn't call it pressuring me, but after months of 'persistence' Lindsey convinced me that we should go the route of becoming foster parents. She said, I feel this is what God has called me (us) to do with my (our) life. Who could argue with that? So, in the spring of 2010 we began 9 weeks of P.R.I.D.E. (foster parent training) classes at a small Lutheran Church in Knoxville, IL every Monday night for 3 1/2 hrs. Nearly 4 months later after new smoke detectors, hot water no more than 105 degrees, child safety locks, lock boxes for meds, out of reach places for cleaning chemicals, countless pages of paperwork, fingerprints, back ground checks, hours of home visits with case workers, liscincing agents, and social workers we were finally licensed foster parents with Lutheran Social Services! O Boy (literally)!
We got our first placement call right before Labor Day 2010. We got called on a Thursday inquiring if we'd take a two day old baby boy. No more information than that. Will you take a two day old baby boy? Yes, of course we will. 24 hrs went by. No baby. 48 hrs. No baby. We sat at New China with Lindsey's parents Labor Day morning wondering when if ever this baby would arrive. 72 hrs. No call. No baby. Nearly 96 hrs later (the longest 96 hrs of our lives) my phone rang. The baby is leaving the hospital now and we can be at your house in 20 minutes, do you still want him? Yes!!!!
Lindsey and I rushed home and shortly there after 8 day old baby "Bubba" arrived with two social workers. The brought a crib, a few diapers, and 4 bottles of pre-made formula. They asked for our social security numbers and basically said, 'here ya go...raise this child' and left. Lindsey's parents showed up along with our Pastor and his oldest son. I don't think our jaws had come off the floor yet as we were still in awe of this little angel now in our care. I remember our pastor brought us diapers and prayer (much needed prayer)! For the next two months we loved on little Bubba as if he were our own. As knew parents we had a lot to learn. I remember when I got my first dog, Scooby. He was a pound puppy and he peed on me and I told Lindsey that must mean he loves me. I told her the same thing when Bubba peed on me for the first time too (HaHa).
Since becoming a foster parent it's changed a lot about how Lindsey and I live our lives. It's changed our relationship with each other. And its changed our relationship with God. All of them for the better! Its definitely changed the way I pray, I find myself praying daily for our foster children's lives and their parents. I pray that these little ones would come to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior. I pray the same for their parents and I pray that God would cause them to become the parents these children most desperately need. I also pray daily that the Lord's will be done and that he'd give us the strength to live with in his perfect will no matter how difficult that might seem. Our willingness to follow through with that prayer was put to the test two months to the day after Bubba came to live with us. My phone rang and it was our Case Worker telling us that the judge had decided that the child should return home....we had 12 hrs notice. Lindsey and I spent that night holding Bubba, holding each other, and crying. God's will, huh? This is God's will, to cause us more pain, I remember thinking. The next morning Lindsey cried as she went to off to school and at 9am they came for Bubba. I sobbed as a put him in his carseat and he smiled at me when I kissed him for the last time. We've never seen Bubba sense. And I swore I'd never get a named tattooed on me, but the next week there I was at Hawk's Tattoos getting a pair of angel wings, the name Bubba, and 1st Cor. 1:26-28 tattooed on my right hand.
1st Cor. 1:26-28 says, "Brothers think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth. But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise. God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. God chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things - and the things that are not - to nullify the things that are."
God was thinking of all the little Bubbas out there when he gave Paul these words! through our time as foster parents our house has only been childless for about 6 weeks. Baby number two came along in similar fashion to Bubba... NO WARNING! It was Sunday afternoon in early November 2010. A call from a Case Worker came with the request...will you take a 10 month old? Yes! Sunday night baby Jayden came to us! The same crib that came with baby Bubba showed back up and so I had to put back together the crib I'd just taken a part not quit a month before. Jayden was an awesome little guy. He learned to walk and talk with us. He called me Da Da and that was a first for me. The thing that made baby #2 different from #1 was that we knew when he arrived the date he would return home. You'd think that'd make the sting of losing him a little less painful, but it didn't. And angel wing tattoo #2 followed soon after with the scripture reference of Hebrews 13:2. "Don't forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing so some have shown hospitality to ANGELS without knowing it."We were able to make a long lasting relationship with Jayden and his mom. That's been such a blessing! We even recently got to baby sit Jayden for an afternoon and he got to spend time with baby Nate...which bring us to our current angel and if you're keeping track that's baby #3!
Baby Nathen arrived Feb. 17th 2011, he was barely 6 lbs. I called him a little P-nut. He was to arrive when he was 6 days old but didn't actually show up until he was almost two weeks old (and I thought waiting 96hrs was a long time). Nate the Great will turn 8 months old this Saturday! Time flies when you're having fun and everyday we have with him is a blast! Nate is one big ? as to how long he'll be with us. We'd love for it to before, but for now his goal is 'return home'. As much as we'd love for him to be our first forever child that may not be God's plan and so we pray for the strength to live in God's will no matter what that may be. Nathen means 'gift from God' and he most definitely is that. He's crawling, pulling up, getting into everything, says MaMa DaDa, and is the world's best snuggled (sorry Scooby you've been dethroned)!
During this season of foster parenting we've been exploring the idea of international adoption. This has been a challenge for me because I've viewed adoption the same way I've viewed mission work - there's plenty that can be done right here in the U.S. However, now that we've been foster parents for over a year we totally understand why people don't go the foster route. We've also learned how difficult the domestic adoption route is too. After much prayer and discussion we felt God's calling to Africa. Specifically the Democratic Republic of Congo (formally Zaire). Why the Congo you might ask? I duno, ask God. We looked at a lot of different countries, but God kept bringing it back to DRC. With our minds made up and God on our side we began the long journey of international adoption...
We spent this past summer meeting weekly with our international adoption licensing worker to fulfill our home study requirements, both for the national & international adoption agencies. Sadly, becoming a licensed adoptive home isn't much different from becoming a licensed foster home which made me angry a lot wondering, why can't they just serve for both? I suppose it's to make sure a person's will is the same as their want. In August we finished our home study!!! Two weeks ago DCFS approved our home study!!! Last week our international agency approved our home study!!! So, what's that mean now? Well, we're into grant writing and hopeful for a good return. We're into filling out our i600 and then we wait....how long? At the earliest we may travel in march 2012 to DRC and bring two little angels home!
I know this has been a lot of reading, but it's felt great to tell our story. We are thankful for all those who have taken the time to read our blog, pray for us, and support us in so many ways. Lindsey and I are forever grateful to all of you! I wish I could make this post more exciting by showing pictures of our 3 little angels, but we're not allowed to do so.
Jordan & Lindsey
P.s. sorry for any spelling/grammar errors. I hope you meant what I know.
During this season of foster parenting we've been exploring the idea of international adoption. This has been a challenge for me because I've viewed adoption the same way I've viewed mission work - there's plenty that can be done right here in the U.S. However, now that we've been foster parents for over a year we totally understand why people don't go the foster route. We've also learned how difficult the domestic adoption route is too. After much prayer and discussion we felt God's calling to Africa. Specifically the Democratic Republic of Congo (formally Zaire). Why the Congo you might ask? I duno, ask God. We looked at a lot of different countries, but God kept bringing it back to DRC. With our minds made up and God on our side we began the long journey of international adoption...
We spent this past summer meeting weekly with our international adoption licensing worker to fulfill our home study requirements, both for the national & international adoption agencies. Sadly, becoming a licensed adoptive home isn't much different from becoming a licensed foster home which made me angry a lot wondering, why can't they just serve for both? I suppose it's to make sure a person's will is the same as their want. In August we finished our home study!!! Two weeks ago DCFS approved our home study!!! Last week our international agency approved our home study!!! So, what's that mean now? Well, we're into grant writing and hopeful for a good return. We're into filling out our i600 and then we wait....how long? At the earliest we may travel in march 2012 to DRC and bring two little angels home!
I know this has been a lot of reading, but it's felt great to tell our story. We are thankful for all those who have taken the time to read our blog, pray for us, and support us in so many ways. Lindsey and I are forever grateful to all of you! I wish I could make this post more exciting by showing pictures of our 3 little angels, but we're not allowed to do so.
Jordan & Lindsey
P.s. sorry for any spelling/grammar errors. I hope you meant what I know.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Love Has a Face
My birthday was last month and I received a book from my mother in law entitled "Love Has a Face". She asked the other day if I'd read the book, to which I responded, I've read a bit....Lie. Sorry Mom. Anyways my guilt led me to crack the cover today and what I read brought a lot of tears.
Heidi Baker writes;
"I was left with one lone visitor. He was a slim man of middle age. his shoulders sagged under and unseen weight. he looked heavier than i felt. i walked over to him and introduced myself. he went on to tell me that his daughter had died in childbirth a few weeks back. she had given birth to a small son. with the mother gone, his family had no way to feed the baby. it was a story that has repeated itself countless times in these parts. according to some, southern Sudan is the second most expensive place in the world. Yes, you read the words correctly. it is second to Tokyo. in the southern Sudanese capital of Juba, a small mud hut worthy of being condemned can go for a s much as two thousand U.S. dollars a month. and it costs well over a hundred dollars a month to feed an infant on formula. the average salary, if a person is fortunate enough to have one at all, is about half that. the grandfather told me the this baby, not yet two weeks old, had been fed on cornmeal and water. the options were obvious. if we did not take this little one, he would certainly die. i told the man to bring me the baby so we could see him. i knew how dangerous this would be. he was my first baby. i knew that as soon as i laid eyes on him, there would be no letting him go, no matter how expensive he was. as the man left our compound to retrieve the baby, i asked God, 'What is the baby's name?' Immediately the reply came His name is Immanuel. I thought God was being figurative and was trying to give me encouragement that He was with us, as Immanuel means God with us. A short while later the man returned with a small bundle in his arms. i looked at this tiny form almost completely hidden by the four layers of fabric wrapped around him. i asked what the baby's name was, 'his name is Immanuel,' the man said. I could scarcely believe my ears. God, are you really here? i had asked. my silent prayer had been answered in a baby named Immanuel. Tears began to build in my eyes. with wonder i took him in my arms, peering into the sleeping face of God's answer to my question, and thus baby Ima became our smallest family member yet. He was frail and sickly, but he was a fighter. he survived all the faltering attempts of someone who knew nothing about babies. he lived through a measles outbreak and a cholera epidemic. he made it through growing up his first year in a large family. now he is a downright fat toddler. every day he toddles around on his chubby legs with a huge grin that continually reminds us, God is indeed with us."
When Nate showed up on our doorstep we didn't know his name. We knew it was a little boy who was barely 6LBS and needed a loving home. Later we learned his name was, Nathen which means 'gift from God'. That's what Nathen is, a gift from God. He is a daily blessing. We trust that there are two gifts from God somewhere in Africa right now and we pray they have someone like Heidi in their lives! We love and pray for our future forever children. We love and thank God daily for our foster son Nate the Great!!!
p.s. thanks for the book mom!
Heidi Baker writes;
"I was left with one lone visitor. He was a slim man of middle age. his shoulders sagged under and unseen weight. he looked heavier than i felt. i walked over to him and introduced myself. he went on to tell me that his daughter had died in childbirth a few weeks back. she had given birth to a small son. with the mother gone, his family had no way to feed the baby. it was a story that has repeated itself countless times in these parts. according to some, southern Sudan is the second most expensive place in the world. Yes, you read the words correctly. it is second to Tokyo. in the southern Sudanese capital of Juba, a small mud hut worthy of being condemned can go for a s much as two thousand U.S. dollars a month. and it costs well over a hundred dollars a month to feed an infant on formula. the average salary, if a person is fortunate enough to have one at all, is about half that. the grandfather told me the this baby, not yet two weeks old, had been fed on cornmeal and water. the options were obvious. if we did not take this little one, he would certainly die. i told the man to bring me the baby so we could see him. i knew how dangerous this would be. he was my first baby. i knew that as soon as i laid eyes on him, there would be no letting him go, no matter how expensive he was. as the man left our compound to retrieve the baby, i asked God, 'What is the baby's name?' Immediately the reply came His name is Immanuel. I thought God was being figurative and was trying to give me encouragement that He was with us, as Immanuel means God with us. A short while later the man returned with a small bundle in his arms. i looked at this tiny form almost completely hidden by the four layers of fabric wrapped around him. i asked what the baby's name was, 'his name is Immanuel,' the man said. I could scarcely believe my ears. God, are you really here? i had asked. my silent prayer had been answered in a baby named Immanuel. Tears began to build in my eyes. with wonder i took him in my arms, peering into the sleeping face of God's answer to my question, and thus baby Ima became our smallest family member yet. He was frail and sickly, but he was a fighter. he survived all the faltering attempts of someone who knew nothing about babies. he lived through a measles outbreak and a cholera epidemic. he made it through growing up his first year in a large family. now he is a downright fat toddler. every day he toddles around on his chubby legs with a huge grin that continually reminds us, God is indeed with us."
When Nate showed up on our doorstep we didn't know his name. We knew it was a little boy who was barely 6LBS and needed a loving home. Later we learned his name was, Nathen which means 'gift from God'. That's what Nathen is, a gift from God. He is a daily blessing. We trust that there are two gifts from God somewhere in Africa right now and we pray they have someone like Heidi in their lives! We love and pray for our future forever children. We love and thank God daily for our foster son Nate the Great!!!
p.s. thanks for the book mom!
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Well our homestudy has been finalized and sent to be approved! YAY! I have not written in forever. Not because nothing has been happening, but just because I have been sooooo busy. New feelings have been overwhelming me everyday! WE could hear back from DCFS approval in 2-9 weeks.... Hopefully in two weeks, but never the less it will be in Gods time. We are working on our 1-600a and getting things gathered that we might need. We still need to get passports and start applying for grants. We continue to be amazed and blessed by others supports of our adoption. People are always telling me they are praying and thinking of us.
We have almost sold all the t-shirts, but a few left. A friend at my moms work offered to do a Mary Kay party and so that is currently going on until Sept. 16th. If anyone would want to order just contact me!
The newest thing that arrived are a bunch of African necklaces. These necklaces are amazing and all proceeds go towards our adoption. We have over 100 in MANY colors for sale now for 15! They are made by African women and were shipped here by another adoptive mom from Ethiopia. There are several reds, blues, greens, purple, pink, some orange, and some multi colored necklaces. I will post pictures to follow! I am also trying to set up a paypal account so that you could purchase them from our blog site.
God is amazing and he has been filling my heart up everyday with thoughts and prayers for orphan children. I think daily about who my children are...and of course I do not know, but God does. My children are possibly living and breathing as I am typing this and that blows my mind. I pray right now that they are comfortable, fed, and loved on! Thanks for following our journey!
We have almost sold all the t-shirts, but a few left. A friend at my moms work offered to do a Mary Kay party and so that is currently going on until Sept. 16th. If anyone would want to order just contact me!
The newest thing that arrived are a bunch of African necklaces. These necklaces are amazing and all proceeds go towards our adoption. We have over 100 in MANY colors for sale now for 15! They are made by African women and were shipped here by another adoptive mom from Ethiopia. There are several reds, blues, greens, purple, pink, some orange, and some multi colored necklaces. I will post pictures to follow! I am also trying to set up a paypal account so that you could purchase them from our blog site.
God is amazing and he has been filling my heart up everyday with thoughts and prayers for orphan children. I think daily about who my children are...and of course I do not know, but God does. My children are possibly living and breathing as I am typing this and that blows my mind. I pray right now that they are comfortable, fed, and loved on! Thanks for following our journey!
Saturday, August 6, 2011
African American & African Worship in Galesburg, IL
Praise God for Pastor Jon Sibley and the folks at Full Gospel Church!!!
What a blessing it was to spend another Sunday morning with them in worship. Thanks for the opportunity to share the word. Praise Jesus for his love for 'scribbly life' Christians! Again and again Linz and I are seeing God at work as we walk this journey with him. Thank you for the very generous donations towards our adoption. This has been something Linz and I never expected to happen, but like I said amazing things like this keep happening again and again. Thank you for the continued prayers and support!
Last week an article ran in the Register Mail about a new worship service that began at "The Father's House" (New Church on Linwood Rd.) This unique service was and is for African people living and working in the Galesburg area, in particular The Democratic Republic of Congo, the very country we're adopting from! This is just another sign from God that he is most definitely in the lead of this journey we're on.
One of the first things we learned in foster/adoption classes is that its so important that your child experience as much of their culture and heritage as possible. They need to be able to embrace their roots. But, how does one do this well when their children are from Africa? Who would have thought the answer would present itself in our own hometown???
So, Saturday night at 6pm Linz, along with our foster son and I decided to attend. Upon arriving I met a man from Nigeria with the biggest, brightest, smile I've ever seen, and a name I can still not pronounce. He invited us in and for the next 2 1/2 hours we worshiped Jesus Christ in English, French, and African languages.
It's hard to formulate all that happened tonight in just a few short paragraphs. At times it was truly overwhelming. The worship was amazing! I learned quickly that in African culture 'African time' is a very different thing than 'American time' and if you're not 'moving' when worshiping then neither is the 'spirit'. During a time of testimony a young woman shared how difficulties of language had caused her to doubt God's plan for her in America and she was prepared to return to Africa, but then God moved and this church appeared! Prayer was something else.....I've never experienced something like this before so there's nothing to compair it with. As I sat in silent awe I heard people speaking and praising in at least 4 different languages not counting numerous other 'tongues'!
Needles to say, Linz and I are going back! We met a man from Togo with a very interesting story and view of adoption, but I feel this is a story Linz needs to tell....
Please pray for our angels!
What a blessing it was to spend another Sunday morning with them in worship. Thanks for the opportunity to share the word. Praise Jesus for his love for 'scribbly life' Christians! Again and again Linz and I are seeing God at work as we walk this journey with him. Thank you for the very generous donations towards our adoption. This has been something Linz and I never expected to happen, but like I said amazing things like this keep happening again and again. Thank you for the continued prayers and support!
Last week an article ran in the Register Mail about a new worship service that began at "The Father's House" (New Church on Linwood Rd.) This unique service was and is for African people living and working in the Galesburg area, in particular The Democratic Republic of Congo, the very country we're adopting from! This is just another sign from God that he is most definitely in the lead of this journey we're on.
One of the first things we learned in foster/adoption classes is that its so important that your child experience as much of their culture and heritage as possible. They need to be able to embrace their roots. But, how does one do this well when their children are from Africa? Who would have thought the answer would present itself in our own hometown???
So, Saturday night at 6pm Linz, along with our foster son and I decided to attend. Upon arriving I met a man from Nigeria with the biggest, brightest, smile I've ever seen, and a name I can still not pronounce. He invited us in and for the next 2 1/2 hours we worshiped Jesus Christ in English, French, and African languages.
It's hard to formulate all that happened tonight in just a few short paragraphs. At times it was truly overwhelming. The worship was amazing! I learned quickly that in African culture 'African time' is a very different thing than 'American time' and if you're not 'moving' when worshiping then neither is the 'spirit'. During a time of testimony a young woman shared how difficulties of language had caused her to doubt God's plan for her in America and she was prepared to return to Africa, but then God moved and this church appeared! Prayer was something else.....I've never experienced something like this before so there's nothing to compair it with. As I sat in silent awe I heard people speaking and praising in at least 4 different languages not counting numerous other 'tongues'!
Needles to say, Linz and I are going back! We met a man from Togo with a very interesting story and view of adoption, but I feel this is a story Linz needs to tell....
Please pray for our angels!
Monday, August 1, 2011
Garage Sale Fundraiser
Hope this actually plays...took forever to load. I do feel I may be in trouble for a portion of this video, but we shall see.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
This was early morning of the sale. The pic doesn't do this huge sale justice, an areal shot would have been better. Bet they could see this garage sale from space. It's like the rednecks opened their own version of Wal-Mart.
Sooooo many clothes!!!!
From the end of the driveway. Never got a pic of the neighbors side yard or Momma Shep on the Ab Lounge, but there is an awesome dance video of Linz get'n down "garage sale style"! Sadly, this video has been banned from appearing on this blog. Maybe with enough requests she'd grant permission to post???
On a more serious note though, we are both so truly blessed and humbled by the awesome display of God's love at work! Thanks be to HIM who makes all blessings flow. Thanks to our family for all their support in so many different ways. Thanks to our friends who donated, baked, set up, took down, bought t-shirts, sold, laughed, cried, and prayed for us....we couldn't have done this without you all. Thanks to all the strangers, friend of a friends, and dedicated yard salers who gave above and beyond what we had ever hoped for.
Just thinking about today brings tears to my eyes as I write and reflect. I think there are a few times in our lives, that if we're lucky enough to see and take notice of, we get to see what God's perfect kingdom is like.
Today Lindsey and I got a glimpse perfection and for that we are forever grateful.
I found myself wondering today as I watched so many wearing the same t-shirt; why would they choose to give up there saturday, work for hours in the 100 degree heat, trying to sell other people's stuff, for other people? The only answer that made any sense was....Jesus. Whether we all realized it or not the reason everything, or anything for that matter, happened today because of Jesus Christ!
Finally as I close this blogging time I can't help but think about why we're doing any of this stuff, it's because of some kids from Africa and our desire to be their parents. And while I write about the abundace Lindsey and I were blessed with today it's easy to forget that for our future 'forever children', July 23rd, was probably a very different day. Did they have enough to eat and drink today? Do they have a place to lay their heads tonight? Do they have parents, friends, and family they can count on? Will their most basic of needs be met until we become a family? It's scarey to think about the possible answers to these questions, but we will continue to trust that God has a perfect plan all our lives...including some babies from the Congo!
Sooooo many clothes!!!!
From the end of the driveway. Never got a pic of the neighbors side yard or Momma Shep on the Ab Lounge, but there is an awesome dance video of Linz get'n down "garage sale style"! Sadly, this video has been banned from appearing on this blog. Maybe with enough requests she'd grant permission to post???
On a more serious note though, we are both so truly blessed and humbled by the awesome display of God's love at work! Thanks be to HIM who makes all blessings flow. Thanks to our family for all their support in so many different ways. Thanks to our friends who donated, baked, set up, took down, bought t-shirts, sold, laughed, cried, and prayed for us....we couldn't have done this without you all. Thanks to all the strangers, friend of a friends, and dedicated yard salers who gave above and beyond what we had ever hoped for.
Just thinking about today brings tears to my eyes as I write and reflect. I think there are a few times in our lives, that if we're lucky enough to see and take notice of, we get to see what God's perfect kingdom is like.
Today Lindsey and I got a glimpse perfection and for that we are forever grateful.
I found myself wondering today as I watched so many wearing the same t-shirt; why would they choose to give up there saturday, work for hours in the 100 degree heat, trying to sell other people's stuff, for other people? The only answer that made any sense was....Jesus. Whether we all realized it or not the reason everything, or anything for that matter, happened today because of Jesus Christ!
Finally as I close this blogging time I can't help but think about why we're doing any of this stuff, it's because of some kids from Africa and our desire to be their parents. And while I write about the abundace Lindsey and I were blessed with today it's easy to forget that for our future 'forever children', July 23rd, was probably a very different day. Did they have enough to eat and drink today? Do they have a place to lay their heads tonight? Do they have parents, friends, and family they can count on? Will their most basic of needs be met until we become a family? It's scarey to think about the possible answers to these questions, but we will continue to trust that God has a perfect plan all our lives...including some babies from the Congo!
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Adoption Garage Sale Eve Eve
Just a few more hours now until Garage Sale-la-palooza begins! We haven't been able to park in the garage now for over 3 weeks. That's a two stall garage, plus a workshop, with every inch stacked about 4 1/2 ft. high! What a huge (literally) blessing this adoption journey has been already. Linz and I just came in from piling on the last few boxes and bags...hoping it doesn't rain. So far I've seen and know of at least 3 Tvs, 3 sewing machines, 7 kids bikes, 2 couches, 4 diaper genies, 2 recliners, tons of kids clothes and toys, the list could go on and on.
Tomorrow will be of digging, unpacking, sorting, and sweating. Stop on by and check us out at 1298 Campbell Ave (between Whitesboro and Phillips St off of E. Main St.).
Tomorrow will be of digging, unpacking, sorting, and sweating. Stop on by and check us out at 1298 Campbell Ave (between Whitesboro and Phillips St off of E. Main St.).
Sunday, July 10, 2011
I got an email that our application was accepted by our international agency! To some this is no big deal...but to me this is one step closer to being a forever mom to a child that needs me, as much as I need the child! I am still in awe at all the blessings Jordan and I have received since this all began.
Yesterday, I got a call from a friend, that three families that I don't even know wanted to donate things to my sale! They were having a three family garage sale and they donated TONS of things to me, for my sale!
This was just one small step in a long journey ahead, but it feels amazing anyway! Soon my household will be entertain'n angels in disguise. Hebrews 13:1-2 is what we have really been usign a a key verse in our adoption process. Our journey with caring for children, who are not biologically ours, didn't just start here. It's been almost a year that we have been entertaining little angels in our home. I'm just excited that God has laid out the oppertunity for us to adopt children.
Yesterday, I got a call from a friend, that three families that I don't even know wanted to donate things to my sale! They were having a three family garage sale and they donated TONS of things to me, for my sale!
This was just one small step in a long journey ahead, but it feels amazing anyway! Soon my household will be entertain'n angels in disguise. Hebrews 13:1-2 is what we have really been usign a a key verse in our adoption process. Our journey with caring for children, who are not biologically ours, didn't just start here. It's been almost a year that we have been entertaining little angels in our home. I'm just excited that God has laid out the oppertunity for us to adopt children.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Not as cool as Jordans blog
I do not in any way have the same talents as my husband. He can write such beautiful things, and always knows what to say. I on the other hand might have spelling and grammar mistakes, and do not always know what to say!
I am SO excited about this process! (that is still an understatement) I pray everyday for our children. I can not wait to see the way God wants our family to grow! We have been blessed so much already through the love of family and friends that have prayed, asked questions, commented, donated, prayed, and wanted to buy t-shirts! I knew I was blessed, but I did know that I would be over flowing.
A good friend of mine who has already adopted her beautiful son from Ethiopia told me that "God provided the whole time." She told me this a lot, as I watched her and her husband go through the process. I always thought...okay I get it...Now I actually do really get it Tara.
If anyone wants a t-shirt we are making our first order after we approve the design. This is just another way we are fundraising and sharing our journey with you! T-shirts are $15. Let me know a size and I'll add you to my order!
I am SO excited about this process! (that is still an understatement) I pray everyday for our children. I can not wait to see the way God wants our family to grow! We have been blessed so much already through the love of family and friends that have prayed, asked questions, commented, donated, prayed, and wanted to buy t-shirts! I knew I was blessed, but I did know that I would be over flowing.
A good friend of mine who has already adopted her beautiful son from Ethiopia told me that "God provided the whole time." She told me this a lot, as I watched her and her husband go through the process. I always thought...okay I get it...Now I actually do really get it Tara.
If anyone wants a t-shirt we are making our first order after we approve the design. This is just another way we are fundraising and sharing our journey with you! T-shirts are $15. Let me know a size and I'll add you to my order!
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
The Genesis of Adoption Blog
As I begin to write, I look at my wife who is so excited just to be writing an adoption blog. To be honest, I dig it too. Since we decided that this what God wanted to do, as far as starting a family, I've been really looking forward to love'n on kids that aren't mine biologically...and blow'n peoples minds. I mean let's be honest, me and Linz with a couple Africans will turn a few heads here in good 'ol Galesburg.
More than that I think we view adoption as our God given mission or calling. 1st Corinthians 1:26-28 talks about how God chooses the overlooked, the outcasts, and the have nots to shame the hollow lives of the 'somebodies'. When I think of our future children I see the truth in what Paul wrote.
I looking forward to having a family, not that we aren't already, but adopting children will take some getting used to. Being foster parents I think we've gotten used to the fact that there's a 99% the children we love, care for, and raise as if they were our own, will one day, return home. While this is heartbreaking to have happen I think it's made us stronger and we'll be better able to handle the difficulties of international adoption as a result.
Another verse that's spoke to us is Hebrews 13:2. The writer talks about never turning down shelter and food to a stranger because we may be 'Entertain'n Angels' in disguise. I think Lindsey and I have definitely experienced the truth of this verse in the lives of the 3 little boys we've helped raise over the last year. It's exciting now to see this being played out in the lives of children living a 1/2 a world away.
There's a lot more that could be said concerning this new chapter in our lives...but it's late and I suppose the reason for this blog is that we'll keep writing. So, stay tuned cause there's more to come.
Jordan & Lindsey
P.P.S. 1298 CAMPBELL AVE. GALESBURG IL (between Whitesboro and Phillips St. off of E. Main St.)
More than that I think we view adoption as our God given mission or calling. 1st Corinthians 1:26-28 talks about how God chooses the overlooked, the outcasts, and the have nots to shame the hollow lives of the 'somebodies'. When I think of our future children I see the truth in what Paul wrote.
I looking forward to having a family, not that we aren't already, but adopting children will take some getting used to. Being foster parents I think we've gotten used to the fact that there's a 99% the children we love, care for, and raise as if they were our own, will one day, return home. While this is heartbreaking to have happen I think it's made us stronger and we'll be better able to handle the difficulties of international adoption as a result.
Another verse that's spoke to us is Hebrews 13:2. The writer talks about never turning down shelter and food to a stranger because we may be 'Entertain'n Angels' in disguise. I think Lindsey and I have definitely experienced the truth of this verse in the lives of the 3 little boys we've helped raise over the last year. It's exciting now to see this being played out in the lives of children living a 1/2 a world away.
There's a lot more that could be said concerning this new chapter in our lives...but it's late and I suppose the reason for this blog is that we'll keep writing. So, stay tuned cause there's more to come.
Jordan & Lindsey
P.P.S. 1298 CAMPBELL AVE. GALESBURG IL (between Whitesboro and Phillips St. off of E. Main St.)
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