Well our homestudy has been finalized and sent to be approved! YAY! I have not written in forever. Not because nothing has been happening, but just because I have been sooooo busy. New feelings have been overwhelming me everyday! WE could hear back from DCFS approval in 2-9 weeks.... Hopefully in two weeks, but never the less it will be in Gods time. We are working on our 1-600a and getting things gathered that we might need. We still need to get passports and start applying for grants. We continue to be amazed and blessed by others supports of our adoption. People are always telling me they are praying and thinking of us.
We have almost sold all the t-shirts, but a few left. A friend at my moms work offered to do a Mary Kay party and so that is currently going on until Sept. 16th. If anyone would want to order just contact me!
The newest thing that arrived are a bunch of African necklaces. These necklaces are amazing and all proceeds go towards our adoption. We have over 100 in MANY colors for sale now for 15! They are made by African women and were shipped here by another adoptive mom from Ethiopia. There are several reds, blues, greens, purple, pink, some orange, and some multi colored necklaces. I will post pictures to follow! I am also trying to set up a paypal account so that you could purchase them from our blog site.
God is amazing and he has been filling my heart up everyday with thoughts and prayers for orphan children. I think daily about who my children are...and of course I do not know, but God does. My children are possibly living and breathing as I am typing this and that blows my mind. I pray right now that they are comfortable, fed, and loved on! Thanks for following our journey!
What an encouragement you two are. We continue to pray for you both and your children..