Tuesday, October 4, 2011

A Word on Faith

This post should be extremely short compared to my last one. Time and a lack of brain power will make sure of that. Recently I've been pondering about the word, Faith. What it means, what it looks like, whether or not I really possess it...

By definition faith is; belief that is not based on proof.

Recently, I preached a sermon about obedience looking at Joshua 6 and God's call for faithful followers. He asked Joshua and the people of Israel to do some pretty strange things (by the world's standards). And the people did so, thus receiving the promised reward.

Tomorrow I'll be sharing a short devotion on Matt. 2:1-12 (the story of the Magi visiting the new born King). God's call to them looked foolish as well...chasing after some distant star in order to find an unknown king, not to mention a religious leader of a sect they most definitely were not a part of. Yet, they went, they traveled, they searched. They did what seemed foolish. They chose a path that made them look crazy in the eyes of many. Why?

Faith - a belief in the evidence of things unseen!

Daily I see the reactions of many who look and Lindsey and I in a way like how a dog tilts its head in response to a funny sounding noise. Why would two young people be foster parents? Why would this couple be adopting from Africa? I could keep on listing the questions I've heard. There is only one answer and that answer will make no sense to those who lack it...


Christ has called us to be a loving family for those who need it and we are blessed daily because of our foster children. Christ has called us to faithfully follow him to the DRC in Africa and bring home children and grow our family. Love has a face and through faith we believe that God began a family with us long before we ever knew we wanted one!

Blessings to you all and thanks for reading.

Jordan & Lindsey

1 comment:

  1. I think about that sermon you gave on obedience a lot especially the part about the world thinking we are crazy because of the things we do. It has helped me to not worry about what other people think. It's amazing how stories I have heard all my life are still teaching me something new. I still remember you talking about Paul when we were in NOLA. Thanks for your witness!
